SUPER Affiliate Program - Earn Money Promoting Lush

You've been invited to become a SUPER Affiliate with Lush Wine Mix. This means a higher commission, the ability to invite affiliates and earn commission on their sales, and the option to promote Lush to businesses as a wholesale product.

You're being invited to this "super affiliate program" because we know you'll make a wonderful partner. 

Want in? 

Fill out this application and we'll get back to you within 2 business days to let you know if we're a good fit:

 Lush Wine Mix Affiliate Application

Commission Structure & Perks:

  • 20% commission on all orders** (15% is regular affiliate commission) 
  • 30-day link life
  • Individual Link
  • Individual Promo code to offer to customers. 
  • Free Product* (receive 2 canisters of Lush initially, then 3 canisters every other month)
  • 5% commission on all Invited Affiliates' sales**
  • $35 for any wholesale orders attributed to you**

*All affiliates receive the 1st order of 2 canisters free. Then, you must maintain 5 sales per month to receive free bi-monthly product.

**indicates Super Affiliate options that are different than regular affiliates

Want to know a bit more about Lush first? Meet Kelli & Erin, founders of Lush, and the basics of Lush Wine Mix: